Bidsketch Public Launch

So I’ve now been live with Bidsketch for several days now. Things are going well still, though my paid signups have decreased as expected.

I’m going to be working on adding a new pricing plan to Bidsketch. Right now I have Free and Premium. I think a Basic plan will give people a much needed choice when I move up the pricing to $19/month.

It’s funny, now that I’ve launched I feel like I have more on my plate than ever. I’m managing two blogs, a Facebook account, two Twitter accounts, two products, and the most time consuming thing of all — the day job.

I think things will get a little less crazy once I migrate SixCentral over to Bidsketch.

On the SixCentral front, I let everyone know that I’ll be changing SixCentral’s name. I blogged about it, sent out a tweet, and an email to all users and newsletter subscribers.

Some more info on that here:

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